Tuesday, December 19, 2023

 Esteemed Manager and Councillors of the Shoalhaven City Council,

I humbly offer these words, permeated with elaborate irony and sarcasm, to address the profound utilization of your cherished values - Respect, Integrity, Adaptability, and Collaboration - in the matter of the impending rate increase. How enlightening it is to witness these values shining so brightly in your decision-making process!

Let us begin with the timeless virtue of Respect, for surely nothing demonstrates respect more than burdening the already beleaguered residents of Shoalhaven with an exorbitant rate increase. How considerate of you to show such reverence for the financial well-being of the community, as you enthusiastically demand their hard-earned funds with open arms. Truly, their struggles and existing limited resources must pale in comparison to the remarkable importance of your grandiose aspirations.

Ah, Integrity, that elusive quality sought by all. It is indeed admirable how you enlighten us with transparent and meticulously detailed explanations for the rate increase. The citizens eagerly await your display of unquestionable moral rectitude as you divulge the compelling reasoning behind this decision. After all, obscured justifications and lack of transparency are a hallmark of integrity, are they not?

Let us now marvel at the exceptional trait of Adaptability, indispensable during these tumultuous times. How fortunate we are to witness the council's nimble response as you shift the financial burdens onto the vulnerable residents amidst natural disasters and a global pandemic. Your unwavering determination to adapt is truly awe-inspiring, as is your ability to overlook the already tenuous financial situation faced by many. Such adaptability, indeed, commands our deepest admiration.

Lastly, Collaboration, the glorious pinnacle of effective governance. How glorious it is to see the council valiantly collaborate amongst yourselves, excluding the very community you are meant to serve. Your unwavering dedication to decision-making devoid of public input is truly a testament to the spirit of collaboration. Who needs the perspectives and concerns of the residents when a handful of council members can expertly dictate their fate?

In the spirit of controversy, I beseech you to review, with utmost gravity, the impending rate increase in light of these values. Respect, Integrity, Adaptability, and Collaboration should guide your momentous decisions, as they have thus far with great aplomb. Your continued adherence to these values will surely ensure the appreciation and trust of the Shoalhaven community, for nothing engenders trust like insincere adherence to perceived virtues.

I pen this missive with a sense of urgency and deep concern for the current trajectory of our beloved Shoalhaven. It is my sincerest hope that you, as the custodians of its welfare and prosperity, will lend a keen ear to the thoughts and aspirations of the populace.

I beseech you to embrace a vision of grandeur, transcending the mundane, and cease the pending rate increase that threatens to burden our already weary shoulders. How can we, the ordinary citizens, be expected to endure such audacious exactions on our meager finances? Surely, our resources are not boundless, and the weight of additional fiscal impositions will have dire consequences.

I implore you to educate the public on the exorbitant costs incurred by natural disasters, and particularly the monumental expenses engendered by the omnipresent COVID-19. Such knowledge will elucidate the true burdens thrust upon unsuspecting tenants, as they mourn the cruelties of intricate financial entanglements. Moreover, let us not forget the relentless march of inflation, for it is your profligate spending that has fueled its tantalizing ascent. In this symphony of fiscal woes, your unbounded outlays dance joyfully, exacerbating the relentless torrent of monetary dilapidation. A standing ovation is in order, bravo!

Allow my curiosity to roam freely as I ponder the corporate entities that lay enthralled under the illustrious banner of the council. Might I propose a splendid fire sale of these insatiable money-grabbing pits? Oh, what a spectacle it would be! The public, akin to ravenous vultures, would undoubtedly swoop down from the skies, eagerly awaiting the spoils of such an event. The clarion call for transparency resonates loudly in these times, dear Council.

Furthermore, I beseech you to contemplate the judicious placement of an administrator to oversee the entirety of the council's assets. The sheer thrill of such an endeavor is palpable! And while we are embarking on this visionary journey, let us liberate ourselves from the shackles of council employees and all others who inhibit the march of progress. Tears of ineffable joy shall surely stream down our faces at the prospect of such swift action.

Now, let us embark upon the mesmerizing tale of your recent exploits – the legendary "Megga Rubbish Tip" and its astonishing nine million dollar loss. Heavens must have wept in witness to such display of financial prowess! To contemplate that a venture of such magnanimous proportions could be marred by mismanagement and incompetence is a testament to the unfathomable depths of your fiscal finesse.

But lo and behold! Another catastrophe awaits our eager gaze – the 120 million dollar library fiasco that has left us bewildered and dumbfounded. The notion that a project as ostensibly simple as constructing a library could accrue such staggering costs defies the limits of reason. We, the citizens of Shoalhaven, demand better custodianship of public assets and finances. How can we entrust you with our hard-earned wealth when such colossal blunders occur under your watchful gaze? Our great community deserves nothing less than utmost competence and devotion.

Yet, lofty rhetoric and promises of transparency shall no longer appease our weary hearts. The time for action, dear Council, is upon us. Embrace the appointment of an administrator to helm this ship of governance, meticulously scrutinize every facet of your operations, and hold yourselves accountable for the disheartening loss of public funds. Only then can we endeavor to rebuild the precarious edifice of trust that has been shattered by these grandiose debacles.

With a flourish of my pen, I express these sentiments with utmost grandiosity and a dash of sarcasm, self-aware of the ironic predicament in which we find ourselves. Upon contemplation, it is truly unfathomable how individuals entrusted with the sacred duty of managing public assets and wealth have descended into a realm of criminal disregard.

May enlightenment grace your decision-making, dear Council, for the winds of change are howling, and the beast of public opinion stirs from its slumber.

And I must implore, who are the mysterious owners of this colossal corporation? I posed this question to you fifteen years ago, and your continued silence betrays your storied secrecy.

Bearing my skepticism, I remain yours,

Stewart S Strik AE.

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