Sunday, March 22, 2015

Check this out taken from Shoalwater web site.

 About water supply and sewerage charges
Consistent with the principle of ‘pay for use’ Council implemented the NSW Government Best Practice Water Supply Sewerage and TRADE Waste Pricing Guidelines in 2004/2005 to comply with regulatory requirements and ensure fair pricing of services.Best for whom?

These cost-reflective pricing for water supply and sewerage services ensures that all our customers pay a price for these services and the demand they can place on the systems. (In my case none because they have not supplied water or sewer to the land)

All Water ACCOUNTS charges (Water Availability, Water Usage and Sewerage Availability) are levied at the time of water meter readings in approximately 90 day cycles. (How can they charge for water if there is no meter to read every 90 days sounds like fraud to me.)
Where is the contract forcing me to pay?