Monday, May 4, 2015

forced taxation.

I took the Rates Installment Notices marked no contract return to sender I do not recognize you.I do not understand your intent. I do not wish to contract with you.
I do not have an international treaty with you. No assured value. No liability accepted. Do not resend. to the cashier at the council building in bridge street and got a copy not signed but received by Amy Johnson. I was advised by Amy to pay or a debt collection agency would be appointed. I advised Amy that I did not have a contract with them. I was then was told by Amy a magistrate would decide. I have no contract.I was told by Amy that she would not give me a contract. Amy also stated that the council sent out the notices and I reassured Amy that they were not sent out by Shoalhaven city council but by a publisher another third party interloper. I also said that I would go after the person (living breathing person) personally not the corporation.
No one can force a citizen into a contractual agreement. The judicial, executive, and legislative branches of the government do not have that power. A tax judge will always remind a litigant that there are no constitutional protection (i.e., right of free speech, privacy) in a tax court (when under contractual obligations). I am not under contractual agreement... No judge can order a citizen to participate.. The system is 100% voluntary and whoever joins the system also volunteers into paying the rates tax.