Monday, July 7, 2014


Integrity was how people worked when councils were formed in the late 1800's. Handshakes was all it took to form a contract and the work was done and the work was paid for.
Yes people lived a simple life.
Today we write contracts with banks and the conditions are spelled out. The FUNNY thing is the banks change the contract, that is the interest rate at will. They demand money and higher interest rates discharge fees and any thing they like.Did you know that if you ask for a copy of a bank contract they can not produce one as the bank does not and can not sign any contract,.The bank is a dead entity! Contract over!
To combat these things councils formed companies to hold people accountable.
They use bluff to get there own way and it works. They never give a dividend statements and this is what a ponzi scheme is and these are ILLEGAL. Anything that is illegal is a fraud and fraud is a crime. Crimes are punishable by law and this includes CIVIL LAW not just admiralty law. Admiralty law is what is used in your local and district and high courts here in Australia. Do not ever end up in one of these courts as you WILL loose the shirt off your backs if you do not know what you are doing. If you stumble with your words in one of these courts they will have you assessed to see if you are mentally stable and you will be locked up for sure.
Did you know that not to consent to a contract there is no contract. Did you know it needs two wet signatures by both parties to the contract to have a contract.
.I will educate you some more in future posts.
Dont take my word for it do your own research. Happy hunting.
I live in the Shoalhaven City Council area

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